For those that are interested in making tortillas maybe this pictorial will be of some assistance.
The recipe is very simple. Just masa harina, salt and hot water. I don't measure. I just pour 1 1/2 to 2 cups of the masa into a bowl, add some salt and enough hot water to make a soft, but not sticky dough. Knead it for a minute to make it smooth. The dough should not be stiff or dry, but it shouldn't be wet or sticky either. It is a dough that is easy enough to fix. Just add a little more of the masa or a little more water until you have the right texture. Cover and let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes.

Gently peel off top piece of plastic, flip tortilla over on to palm of hand, supporting with fingers and very carefully pull off remaining plastic. Place tortilla on the side of the griddle that is heated to medium. Cook for 25 to 30 seconds. You will see a little steam and the tortilla will move easily. Using a spatula, flip the tortilla over and place on the hot side of the griddle

Cook for about 30 seconds. Tortilla will start to get little brown spots. Flip it over again. And cook for another 20 to 30 seconds. The tortilla will start to puff up

Puffing up more

All puffed up. This is what a perfect tortilla looks like. It takes practice. But even if your tortilla doesn't puff up it will still taste good. Just won't be as tender

If you have a tortilla warmer, place the tortillas in it as they come off the griddle. They will steam and soften up. Which is what you want them to do.

If you don't have a warmer just wrap them in a clean tea towel and keep them warm in a low oven

Stacked Enchiladas
just wonderful :)
Great, great blog! I'll be back.
Great tip. Thanks
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